I’m trying to edit a trigger that will be run every 1 first day of month except if it’s a monday (in this case I don’t need to trigger the process).
Can anyone give me the solution to do that in the orchestrator ?
Thanks a lot.
Try like this:
Every Month 1st
0 0 12 1 1/1 ? *
Except Monday
0 0 12 ? * TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT,SUN *
Hi @THIRU_NANI , thanks for reply, I tried the syntax “0 0 12 ? * TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT,SUN *” in http://www.cronmaker.com/, apparently the cron will be executed daily except on mondays ; in the orchestrator it shows next run is tomorrow.
Hello @RENAUD_Jean-Christophe
I don’t think it’s possible.
You can combine a non working days calendar with a cron for the first of each month (see above from @THIRU_NANI)
Then take a look here:
Another option is this. Add logic to your solution to not run on Mondays?
Hopefully this helps.
Thks @Steven_McKeering , it very useful , I have used the calendar option.
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