I am using orchestartor API to fetch failed and successful queue item details and i am able to fetch that using below query
"/odata/QueueItems?$filter=(Status eq ‘Failed’ or Status eq ‘Successful’) and QueueDefinitionId eq " + QueueID
but now i want to pass starttime grater than "
08/24/2022 07:10:12" and le now.tostring in the filter to fetch the failed and successful queue item between that time range
tried using below query but below one not skipping as well as not fetching top 100 instead of that it fetching all the items
"/odata/QueueItems?$skip=10&$top=100&$count=true&$filter=(Status eq ‘Failed’ or Status eq ‘Successful’) and QueueDefinitionId eq " + QueueID
GET for https://ORCHESTRATOR_URL/odata/QueueItems?$orderby=Id%20desc&$top=1000&$select=EndProcessing&$filter=((QueueDefinitionId eq 3 and (EndProcessing gt 2022-08-04 and EndProcessing lt 2022-08-06)))
It will give only top 1000 but i need to get the more than 5000 records from queue for reporting between the timestamp
do you know how to skip already fetched 1000 items using api
and one more thing above query will fetch only end processing fields and but i need all the fields of data in queue which the status in Failed or successful state between the time period
Rate Limit for Results Displayed for Automation Cloud Orchestrator API Request
Note that, for Automation Cloud Orchestrator services, the results displayed by the API requests are limited to 1000 entries for each page.
You can use $top and $skip parameters in your requests to retrieve subsequent pages. For example, use the GET https://cloud.uipath.com/odata/QueueItems?$top=1000&$skip=2000 request to retrieve the robot log entries between 2001 and 3000.