Orchestrator API Call to start a process

I am not able to Call orchestrator API to start the job. I am able to authenticate and generate token using the below API.

Using the generated token I am able to get the robots details and robots id and all other details from Orchestartor but only the startjob API is not getting called.

API I am using for startjib from orchestrator is
POST : https://demo.uipath.com/odata/Jobs/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.StartJobs

Content-Type: application/json
“startInfo”: {
“ReleaseKey”: “9e16e6a6-f99a-4d2d-b454-93ae02a69ebc”,
“RobotIds”: [
36, 130
“NoOfRobots”: 0,
“Strategy”: “Specific”

I am getting 400 BAD Request, Please suggest.
I am using Post Master to check the API. I have deleted all the cookies and also tried but no luck


In this videos you can see how I start a job on Orchestrator Cloud or On-Prem:

and Cloud:

Cristian Negulescu

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