Orchestrator API authentication failed

Hi everyone,

I have read many blogs even i forum too still I didn’t get proper solution. I am using end point as

‘{{url}}/api/Account/Authenticate’ ,

header as ‘Content-Type: application/json’
And sending array as
“tenancyName”: “{{tenancyName}}”,
“usernameOrEmailAddress”: “{{usernameOrEmailAddress}}”,
“password”: “{{password}}”
Unable to authenticate :frowning: can anyone please help me here what I’m doing wrong! Tenant as service name right? And username password means through which I’m able yo login my orchestrator.

Thanks in advance. Awaiting your response please.


@hemal - ‘{{url}}/api/Account/Authenticate’ is on-premise orchestartor api - are you providing the on-premise tenant name, user & pwd correctly?

Hey @GBK sorry I didn’t get you. On premise ?


ok - got you… you are trying to authenticate with community edition cloud platform…

pls follow below link steps for authenticate the cloud api

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Above link is for the earlier version of Orchestrator,

please use below steps to authenticate

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Thank You so so much :slight_smile: Auth code - 200 :smiley: successful :slight_smile: You are correct as for community it is different url to post. Thank you so much again :slight_smile:


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Thank you so much @HareeshMR :slight_smile:
Yes I have done through the token itself. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:


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