Oracle SQL Developer connection

Hi Team,

I need to connect to oracle SQL Developer through UiPath.

Could someone please help



Please get the required details from DBA and then use them in the required connection string…You can find the connection strings here

Or you can drag the the connection activity and use the connection wizard and fill the details


Hi Anil

Thankyou for your reply with connection string iam unable to connect



What issue are you facing?

Did you get all the details like dbname…username password port etc

Did you tey with the wizard or else? It looks almost same as the connection winzard in your sql developer



To connect to oracle sql developer do i need to install any driver



Yes you need odbc or oledb drivers…



I have ODBC but not oledb


Mostly you connection string would be from this

you can try with configure as well…select odbc → then provide the details


Hi Anil,

the video you shared was related to sql server.

But i need to connect to oracle sql developer.

Please help me out on this.


I am getting this error

Hello @anusha2
Try this. Initially try to setup the ODBC server


The video is a reference on how to navigate the connection wizard.

As per error the drivers are not properly installed

Please follow the video given by @Gokul_Jayakumar

Let us know if there are any issues…



Will try this out


Will try that

Hi Gokul,

I only have sql developer in my virtual machine.

Oracle is installed on client server which is not installed on my system.

I need to connect to Sql developer through UiPath

In this video they were selecting Oracle database which is not there in my system.

Please guide


Are you able to connect to required oracle db using sql developer?

even from UiPath you will connect to DB not to sql developer…

So first try getting connection details and connect from sql developer and you can use same in UiPath as well


Hi ,

Iam able to connect successfully to my databse using sql developer

But with UiPath , unable to connect .


please try installing the drivers and then try…and once if you can please show the connection string you are using or the connections you got after saving wizard

For Detailed Steps


HI Anil,

Please find connection string

Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;

Did you try to connect using the Connection String in Connect to database activity?