Options strict on disallows implicit conversions from 'string' to 'Iresource'

Hi All,

I am facing the issue where I am using the Amazon Web Services Scope. On the Upload Object from File activity, I get the following error when adding the name of the screenshot in the File to Upload property.

How do I fix to upload file to S3 bucket?


@rpa_guy your variable is string please provide it IResource

Hi Raja, can you please tell me how to convert a string to IResource? just updated my flow from windows legacy to windows and all the read text file activities stop working

Hello! Were you able to solve this? If so, can you please share how?


After converting from project from “Windows Legacy” to “Windows”, update Packages to the latest versions and the Read Text File activity will work again.


move_file properties

Please place the file path name on path properties not on resource

Thanks !!!