Option to highlight return nodes in Studio

Hi Uipathians,

So I’ve been looking through other team members code recently and have found an issue where it’s often difficult to see where a flow might return, if invoked, or end. Currently UiPath does not have an option to show a highlight on these activities.

Would it be possible to colour code activities based on various conditions? Ideally i’d like to see options to toggle these highlights on or off in the studios UI.



Thank you for your suggestion. I added it to our internal ideas tracker for our team to consider.

Do we know if there’s any intention to actually implement the ability to colour code sequences and activities? It would be a very useful feature in my opinion.

Hi @TsimbaR,
Welcome to the Community!

I can confirm that we want to implement this but honestly, this is not the most prioritized feature on our list and it will be implemented in one of the future releases.