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What is the easiest way to have UiPath download a file from a webpage and put it into a folder? I am looking to download an attachment from a response and insert all of the attachments into a single folder.

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If we are able to download the file on clicking it, so that it will go for a save as page
If this is how we save the file
— the. We can use a click activity and click on the link so that save as page appears
— use a type into activity and mention as
So that our file gets saved in the same folder path (yourfolderpath) but with dynamic file name (Now.ToString(“hh_mm”))

Is there any other way we are trying to save file from a web page kindly let that know
Hope this would help you
Cheers @ryanhudgin

It needs to be a right click then a save link as…

Fine then in click activity in the button property of property panel choose click right option from the drop down
— then we can save the file as per the above suggestions

Hope this would help you
Cheers @ryanhudgin