Opening of an mail attachment (excel file) and marking of a range of a row

Hello, I want to copy a certain range of a row on an excel file. The file is a mail attachment.
I used the excel scope activity then the use excel file activity then a
for each row and I gave the range i wanna copy, to do that I had to give the data in the Use excel file activity, the excel worksheet from the attachment which I saved.
Now the problem is that everytime my workflow opens the attachment (the excel file) it has another name. Now the activity can’t find the data because of that. How do I fix that?
Thank you in advance.



You have to first save the attachment using save attachments activity and then whatever you did is valid

Are you facing any errors with this approach?


I just read your reply. Let me try it

Question: in “Message” what do I write in there? The subject of the message or the account ?



For that first you need to use get outlook mail message …then it would give you the list of mails…it has an output property to which you cna create a variable and use that as input

Ideally say your get outlook mail messages output is listofmails variables…

Then listofmails(0) would give you the first mail and so on…

That is the input you need to provide here for save attachments
