Opening editor for "Condition" value in Do-While shows it empty

Using A Do-While activity (UiPath.Core.Activities.InterruptibleDoWhile).

I entered some value for the condition, which I know is wrong. When I open the “expression editor” by clicking on the “<>” icon, surprisingly, insted of showing the condition that I can still see in the diagrama, it displays an empty editor.

Vídeo showing the behaviour. (5.8 MB)

I restarted the machine, reopened the project a day later and the behaviour is the same.

What a shameful bug. How are you supposed to work with this if you can’t change the parameters of the activity? :man_facepalming:

Hi @pere ,

Can you try following?


Hi @Mohan_Reddy ,

Yeah, of course I can try, but that’s not the point; I know how to do the comparison.

It’s that I’m reporting the bug for UiPath staff to solve it.

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Hi @pere

We will investigate. I assume this is a Legacy project because I tested it for myself on one and had a similar issue.

In the meantime, I found that this button (out of the 4 available ones) works:

Hi @loginerror ,

Yes, this is the Legacy project we cannot get rid of because of broken functionality in Invoke Power Shell activity.

Yes, I found out also that one works.

Thanks for helping