On storing String Variable into Add Data Row Activity Getting Error


i am reading data from one csv file, Making some changes from that data. Data Manipulation using string functions
and storing those varible to data table using add data row activity.

all the variable i want to store are in string

and i am getting this error.

Add Data Row: Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn’t store in Username Column. Expected type is Int32.

adding the xaml file as well

NickName.xaml (9.6 KB)

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NickName.xaml (9.6 KB)

Check this xaml, In the build data table you have created the NickName column as Int32 type, which should be a string type as per your current scenario. Modified it. Check and let me know if you are facing issues.

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The Build Data Table Activity in your workflow has UserName in Int32 format. Please change that to String .


Thanks .
Sorry forgot to change to string.

It is working now

Thanks . it is working now :slight_smile:

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