
Hello all,
I am extract two date of birth from two different adhar card using get ocr text but they open both document but output showing same ,please help me out

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Make sure you are saving them in two different variables and
Make sure you are referring two different variables in log message or writeline activity

Cheers @Madhu_Maurya

already i am using for each file in folder then why need to store in two variable


if you want to get both values

then create list variable named as list_DOB

and in the varibles pannel you need to initialize it as New list(of string)

**below the Get ocr activity

use assign activity


here DOB is the output of the get Ocr activity

output of the loop you want print it at once

In the log message type as string.join(β€œ,”,list_DOB)

for creating list follow the steps


Well if u can find where u r saving the GET OCR output and which variable u r passing to LOG MESSAGE or WRITE LINE activity then u will get the answer
I meant like make sure they are not the same variable

or if it’s used in the loop then use a ASSIGN activity as a very first activity inside the loop where mention as

DOB = String.Empty

cheers @Madhu_Maurya


If you want to display in the log message after the each then you can try this way

After the log message
Use assign activity
Or you can try with below expression

Then it will display the ouput which you are expecting
