OCR languages

Hi Guys,

i am using the Google OCR machine. When trying to read german letters like “ä,ö,ü” its doesn’t recognize them because the language is set to english by default. Is there a way to change the language to german?

Thank you for your Help!

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What version of UIPath are you using ?

Now Google OCR engine was deprecated. Use Tesseract OCR engine and there is an option to change language.

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I am Using 2018.4.3
the engine is not there yet. Where and how can i download it?

Hi @Robin112

For Google OCR, to add any language you want kindly follow the below steps buddy,

  1. Search for the desired language file on this page.
  2. Save the file in the tessdata folder of the UiPath installation directory ( C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\tessdata ).

  1. Restart UiPath Studio for the new languages to become available. The language can now be used in Studio by adding its name between quotation marks (“ron”).


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By default, this activity will be available in UIPath.

I guess Microsoft OCR engine exists. Could you please try with that also.

Buddy to be very simple use ABBYY OCR, as mentioned in uipath notes
where you can mention the language fully like this

For more details this URL would help you buddy


Abbyy fine reader engine need license, but i don’t have license.

Did we try with other OCR or may I know the issue we were facing


What is the best way to extract the text from image, which does not have much clarity. Also text in slovenian language. Which ocr is better for these kind of scenarios.

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Did we try installing the ocr language and try with normal ocr scrapping

Cheers @Mahashankaripazhani

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