OCR Activities Package is Incompatible

Hello everyone,

I’m currently working on a document understanding exercise and encountered an error during the Digitization step.

The error message I received when using the “UiPath Document OCR” is as follows:

“This version of the OCR.Activities package is incompatible with UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities older than v6.20.0, UiPath.PDF.Activities older than v3.20.0, UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding.ML.Activities older than v1.29.0, UiPath.OmniPage.Activities older than v1.20.0.”

I’m finding this a bit confusing because I couldn’t locate these specific versions in the Community Edition’s package manager, and I might be missing something.

Here are the versions/packages I currently have installed:

  • UiPath Studio: 2024.10.4 (Community Edition)
  • UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities: >= 6.11.0-preview
  • UiPath.PDF.Activities = 3.16.0

Additionally, I’m noticing that the API Key for the OCR is missing (it shows ‘nothing’). My understanding was that the API key should now be automatically retrieved. However, I understand that it is possible to manually obtain the API key from the cloud (Admin > Licenses > Robot Services).

If anyone could point out what might be missing or how I can resolve this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Welcome to the community

  1. Are you on classic du project or modern?
  2. Here are compatible version please check and change accordingly


Hi @Anil_G ,
Thanks for your reply on this.

I believe I am using the ‘Modern’ version on the above-mentioned community edition (WhIch I suppose is the automatic selection).

These are the packages that I have installed as of now, just took out the PDF package.

And the error in the digitize block -

For me to process the DU exercise (just the beginner level) what packages are mandatory?



  1. If you are talking about academy course then oresnetly it is on classic du I believe
  2. Can you hiven over aerror message and show what the error is


@Anil_G - I’ve added my screen for your reference. No, this is not part of the UiPath Academy exercise.

Appreciate that you looking into this for me :+1:


can you try with this version please

also what is your studio vesion? as I can see higher versions as well

And I hope you are on windows compatibility



  • The studio I’m using currently is the 2024.10.4 (Community Edition)
  • And, for the IntelligentOCR.Activities - on my studio, I only have up to v6.18.0-preview. If I try to change this version from what I currently have installed (pls refer to the above screenshot), then my Taxonomy Manager won’t respond and throws an error.

Is there any other workaround or any other free OCR I can use to just digitize one or two documents?


instead of preview try to use any other version and check and remove ml package for now just to verify

you can use others but the compatibility issue might still be there
