Object Repository

Hi Ui Path,

I have created a Bot using Object Repository and kept the Application or screens saved, everything went well.

However, when I am pasting the same bot in VM for production I am not able to see Object Repository Application or screens it in and my bot throws error, Any suggestions or help!

Thank you!


Welcome to community!

You can find the Object repository on Modern Design experience…

Try to switch from classic to modern




I have switched from Classic and Modern Experience in VM as well but Object Repository Application/Screens does not show in my project, I even tried copying Tree and pasting the same in VM


How you’re publishing the project?

I mean… To your Local or Orchestrator?

You can publish it to your Local, This will creates the .NUPKG File… You can share this file to your VM…

Create a new project and install the published .NUPKG…

This will give you the Repository…



I got it, thank you

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