Not able to use split function

Hi all,

Not able to assign split getting error. What changes I should do.

Please help me on this.

Hey this works fine in my case, can you delete and put a new assign stage.
Also, verify if pdf text is a String type of variable.

Please remove the double quotes from your string and write it again. Try it to see if this works.


Can you share content of $ExceptionDetails at Locals panel when error occurs? (Click magnifying glass sign)
There is detailed information for the exception.


Hi @Yoichi , @Pradeep_Wani , @prateek.mehandiratta9
Now new error I am getting. Please check the attached screenshot.

What changes i should do.


This error is caused by double quotation except " (0x22)
Please replace your all double quote with " (Please copy this if necessary)



where i should make the changes or to replace.


As we cannot tell double quote type apart from the image, please replace all double quote with "


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