Not able to display value from gettext activity


Can any one help me out with this.

I’m trying to read hi.docx word file and tried to get the value by using GetText Activity and print it thru log message.

But no value is displaying. Its only showing null value.

Can anyone help me out with this.

Thanks in advance.


  1. Check “Get Text” selector is valid or not.
  2. Use "UI Explorer " → To get the valid selector.


Thanks for ur reply.

I just checked that too. but not working…

Hi, you can use the UiPath.Word.Activities package, there are lots of usefull activities.

Other option is to use the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word package and create a piece of VB.NET code by using an Invoke Code activity.

I would take any of these options before using a Get Text activity.