Non-invocable member 'json' cannot be used like a method

Hi all,

i am trying to loop through all json child using for loop .ki am getting below error .please can someone help me wiith this .please let me know if a

ny other details are needed .

Parent is a Property and not a method and represents the upper JContainer. It looks like something different is aimed e.g. retrieval of PersonDetails

please share the JSON as Text File with us and let us what exactly is to extract

@ppr sharing json with you
testjson.txt (342 Bytes)

We can loop over the properties from PersonDetails like:

For each acitivy | item in myJObject(“PersonDetails”).Value(Of JObject).Properties

  • log message: myJObject(PersonDetails)(item.Name).toString
  • log message: item.Value.Value(Of JObject).toString

For a quick n dirty Datatable Extraction we can do: