NLP Activities


How can we use NLP activities in UiPath?
I also tried including Stanford API in UiPath but i am not able to do so.
Please suggest how can we do this?


Hi @Harshita,

Follow the below steps to use Stanford NLP activities,

Step 1: You have to create the NLP service in server.
Step 2: Pass the server credentials in Stanford NLP Text analysis activity.
Step 3: Check the needed analysis type in properties.
Step 4: Get the NLP sentence from Text analysis activity and based on requirement, pass the NLP sentence to the respective activities(Get Components, Get OpenIE relations, Get Sentence sentiment) to get the result.

Can you please provide some xaml to see how it works.

In which step you need to know ?
How to create NLP service or else to use the NLP activity in work flow?

Just started with NLP section so guide me how services and activity works.

Hi @TharmaKS,
Could you pls share how to set up NLP service?

That will help a lot :slight_smile: