how to move newly downloaded file one folder to another folder based on time .
plz answer me
Hi @vivekktr
We can use move file activity for this
In which the source file path should be like this
Directory.GetFiles(“yourfolderpath”).OrderbyDescending(Function(x) x)(0).ToString
And in destination property of move file as your folder path where you want to save
Hope this would help you buddy
Cheers @vivekktr
Proc1 (2).zip (11.5 KB)
Modify the XAML according to your needs this will only move the pdf files.
change the directory.getfiles and remove the file filter here “*.pdf”
how to move file from one folder to another based on current time
Hi Bro… i need ur help… pls
pls connect me through any median
regarding rpa
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Cheers @Stephan_demo
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