Need to Reply email in Outlook and add email IDs to CC before that

Hi All,

I want to reply to an email in Outlook and add some IDs to the CC before that.

UiPath’s Reply to Outlook activity is having Reply and Reply option but dosen’t have option to Add email ID to CC.

I have used Invoke Method and added email ID directly to the CC of Outlook Object.

using Mail.CC.Add(“”) method.

It is successfully adding the email to CC of the object >> as when I do
Message Box(Mail.CC.Tostring)

I get the email ID which was added.

But when I am using the object in the Reply to Outlook activity. It omits the CC email Id and sends email to all the Ids which were present initially

This is just one solution which I have thought.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in Advance!

Hi buddy, for the timbing clear the suggested emails and then go for it.

Sere Smith

im using your method of Mail.CC.Add(“”)
but i am receiving an error message “Expression does not produce a value”
could you please upload your expression for reference
and what type of variable is on the left assign field?

thank you

You found any solution to this?

-Sudhakar A.S

turns out you must use activity invoke method or invoke code, the write the the following expression Mail.CC.Add(“”)