Need to Fetch data where the previous row value is blank in Excel
Like in the above example I have to fetch
1200,51.50 ( Row 17) and 1206,5.00 ( Row 23) and 1265,1.00 ( Row 25) and 4500,8.00 ( Row 27) and 4502,20.50 ( Row 31)
Employee.xlsx (10.1 KB)
Any expert help, please?
(Supriya Allada)
October 8, 2023, 11:17am
Hi @c3f1e68294fdcf4a1f0a817ca
Try this:
list_Values1 = (From row In dt.AsEnumerable().Skip(1)
Where String.IsNullOrEmpty(row(0).ToString()) AndAlso
String.IsNullOrEmpty(row(1).ToString()) AndAlso
String.IsNullOrEmpty(row(2).ToString()) AndAlso
String.IsNullOrEmpty(row(3).ToString()) AndAlso
String.IsNullOrEmpty(row(4).ToString()) AndAlso
Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(row(5).ToString()) AndAlso
Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(row(6).ToString())
Select String.Format("{0},{1}", row(5).ToString(), row(6).ToString())).ToList()
The output datatype is list.
October 11, 2023, 11:17am
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