I have a data in excel where some cells are blank i need to get those blank cells reference.
Let say A5, C18 are blank i need to get A5, C18 cells in output
I have a data in excel where some cells are blank i need to get those blank cells reference.
Let say A5, C18 are blank i need to get A5, C18 cells in output
I need to get those cell reference names into message box
This is a short example
String.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentRow("yourColumn").ToString) Or String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentRow("yourColumn").ToString)
Hello @Sai.Srinivas,
Check the Xaml file attached here, you may get some idea
Forum_ExcelDynamic.zip (207.5 KB)
DT.AsEnumerable.SelectMany(Function(r,i) r.ItemArray.Select(Function(v,i1) if(v.ToString.trim=“”,Cstr(Chr(65+i1))+(i+2).ToString,“”))).where(Function(a) a<>“”).Toarray
string[4] { “D2”, “B3”, “A4”, “C5” }
can u explain this code
(Function(r,i) r.ItemArray.Select(Function(v,i1)
where(Function(a) What is a value here
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