Need to do calculation with division

I need to do the calculation as.

65/70100= answer should be 93
75/70 answer should be 107


result = Math.Round((75 / 70100) * 100)


Hi @sruthesanju

Try this

CInt(Math.Round((75 / 70) * 100))

Hi @sruthesanju

Try this:

Math.Round((65 / 70)*100)


Hope it helps!!

Hi @sruthesanju

Check the below one,

- Output = Math.Round((65/70)*100)
- Output = Math.Round((75/70)*100)

Hope it helps!!

Hi @sruthesanju

Try this:

result = Math.Ceiling((65/70)*100) it returns smallest integral value 92
result = Math.floor((65/70)*100) it returns greatest integral value 93

Check this for more info:

Try this:-

Math.Round((65 / 70) * 100)

You can store (65/70)*100 in a variable & pass it like:-
Math.Round( YourVar)