Need to check if the keyword present or not

I have keyword named “find 2-3” in an application I have to check the keyword is there or not I have kept check app state activity and highlighted the find* but for sometime id it is working for some IDs it throws error even the keyword find is there

Hi @sruthesanju

Store the value that you wanted to search in a variable and then pass that value into the strict selector of the check app state and using the properties panel change the selector from fuzzy to strict selector and please verify it’s working or not.



Use Get text activity and use the higher possible container on application which will contain your string.

This will give you string output. Just use if activity with condition like this.

gettextoutputVariable.Contains("find 2-3")

Ashok :slight_smile:


If you want to check if a specific element exists on the screen then try using Find Element Activity instead of Check App State.