Need ideas updating in Excel


I need to create a solution where I lookup a value in Excel. If that value Exists, i need to update the row. If it doesn’t Create a new row.

Creating a new row is pretty easy and straightforward as i’ve done it multiple times, by creating an array and DT and adding the array to the DT and the writing this to Excel.

How would someone go on to Look up a value in a specific column and get the Row? Is this even possible with Excel activities or would you recommend reading the Excel in a DT and then doing lookups on the DT? What are the options? Kind of lost rn.


UiPath do have native excel activity solution for this. Activities - VLookup

Ashok :slight_smile:

Use For Each Excel Row. Check the value with CurrentRow(“columname”).ToString and if it’s the value you’re looking for, add to the datatable. After For Each Excel Row has completed, use Append Range to add the rows.


you can use lookup range under excel activities if you want to do this directly on excel

if not read the data into datatble and use lookup datatable and add the new rows and then write the data back to excel

both the ways would work


Lookup datatable does it for me, thanks

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