Hi Guys!!!
I need to locate a cell in Excel. I’m using a lookup activity, but as we know, it will give us the position of the first cell with a matching value, but I need the positions of all the cells that match the condition.
Hi Guys!!!
I need to locate a cell in Excel. I’m using a lookup activity, but as we know, it will give us the position of the first cell with a matching value, but I need the positions of all the cells that match the condition.
In such case we can use a LINQ and would work against DataTables
Sample: dtData
Region | Country |
Assign Activity:
arrIndex | int32 Array =
(From t In dtData.AsEnumerable().Select(Function (x,i) Tuple.Create(x,i))
Where t.Item1("Region").toString.Equals("EMEA")
Select i = t.Item2).DefaultIfEmpty(-1).toArray()
it will return: 1,2 - as it is 0-based
When no row was found, it will retrun -1
yourDataTable.AsEnumerable() _
.Select(Function(row, index) If(row("ColumnName").ToString() = "YourCondition", $"{Convert.ToChar(65 + index)}{index + 1}", Nothing)) _
.Where(Function(cell) cell IsNot Nothing) _
listOfMatches = New List(Of Integer)
Use For Each Row to Iterate through DataTable:
Inside the For Each Row:
→ If
row("YourColumnName").ToString = "YourSearchValue"
listOfMatches.Add(dtExcelData.Rows.IndexOf(row) + 1)
After the loop, you’ll have a list of all row indices where the cell values match your condition. You can then use this list for further processing.
when is meant, that all rows and cells are to check and a typical Excel range (like: AZ2) is needed we can do:
Assign Activity
myOffset | Int32 = X
X =1, when add headers is not ticked, 2 when add headers is ticked, or any other offset
Assign Activity:
arrRanges | String Array =
(From rix In Enumerable.Range(0,dtData.Rows.Count)
From cix In Enumerable.Range(0,dtData.Columns.Count)
Where dtData.Rows(rix)(cix).toString.Trim.Equals("YourSearchKey")
Let cLetter = UiPath.Excel.Helpers.ExcelUtilities.ConvertColumnIndexToColumnLetter(cix + 1)
Let rng = String.Format("{0}{1}", cLetter, (rix + myOffset).toString)
Select v=rng).toArray
EDITED: fixed: cLetter.toString → cLetter, as it is already string
Dt.AsEnumerable() _
.SelectMany(Function(row, rowIndex) row.ItemArray.Select(Function(cell, columnIndex) New With {.Value = If(cell IsNot DBNull.Value AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(cell.ToString()), cell, Nothing), .Row = rowIndex + 2, .Column = columnIndex + 1})) _
.Where(Function(cell) cell.Value IsNot Nothing AndAlso cell.Value.ToString() = "5916") _
.Select(Function(cell) $"{Convert.ToChar(64 + cell.Column)}{cell.Row}") _
Sequence15.zip (2.0 KB)
This gives output as if your value in three cells like “A1”,“B12”,“C12” in this way it gives the value
If you are having any issues with this query please post your problem
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