Need help with ui automation next package's activity

I am using ui automation next package’s activity and its creating one issue.

First I am opening one browser and login over there and then after login using ui automation next package’s type into activity I am typing something on to that logged in web page. But every time that opening another empty browser as well.

I have put that type into activity in Use application/browser Activity and indicate the already logged in web browser and removed the url link.

But still after login the bot is opening one empty browser and typing in.

Any suggestion on this.

thanks in advance.


Can you share your files of the project, if possible?


Thanks for reply,
so you can find the flowchart which is mentioned below

In the below sequence, the bot is login which is working completely fine

after login process, when the flow is proceeding to home page browser the bot is opening another chrome browser which it should not.
Below is the home page sequence where the bot is opening another chrome browser


Can you try the following steps?

  1. Set UiPath.Core.Browser type variabler (Let’s say br) in UiBrowser property of Open Browser activity.

  2. Set br.Element in Input Element property of Use Application/Browser activity.


Thanks for your quick,
so do you want me to put that in “Selector” ?


Which version of UiAutomation do you use? In 20.10.6, it’s the following.


I am using 20.4.3 version and FYI it’s part of UIAutomationNext package


UiPath.UiAutomationNext package was merged to UiAutomation package.
So if possible, perhaps you should use UiAutomation 20.10.x.

Or if you want to use UiAutomationNext pacakge, can you try to set Never in Options - Open property?


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Thanks, it worked

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I need one more suggestion on “uiautomationnext” package activities,

I have one scenario, where the text field or button is not visible and the bot needs to scroll down to do some activities on that.
If, I use click or type into activity from “uiautoimation” package, the bot scrolls down automatically without any issue.
But, when I use any click or type into activity from “uiautomationnext” package the bot does not scrolls down and it throws error as it can not find the ui element.

Any help on this issue?


Can you try to set Simulate at Input Mode property of Click activity (or Use Browser/Application activity)? It will work even if target element is not visible, but it won’t scroll.


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