Hi all,
I need help with MS O365 Authentication, we have set up an Azure Application following the instruction in the below guide:
Setup (uipath.com)
We gave it all the required permissions, we need the ApplicationID and Secret method to work. We copied the Application ID, Tenant ID and Application Secret from the App in Azure.
We set up the code using the UiPath O365 scope in Studio and passed the required parameters but we got the error thrown from the Get Mail Activity.
Error message: Get Mail: Code: generalExceptionMessage: An error occurred sending the request.
I have read through the forum and found the links below but non of the solutions proposed here are helpful to me:
1.) Error on ApplicationIdAndSecret Authentication with O365 - Help / Activities - UiPath Community Forum
2.) Unable to get mail using o365 username and password authentication - Help / Activities - UiPath Community Forum
3.) Authentication Types Used In Microsoft Office 365 Scope Activity - News / Knowledge Base - UiPath Community Forum