Need help on sending an image with variable name appended

Hello All,

I have taken a screenshot and have saved it as name appname+“_results.png” where appname is a variable I am using to pass on my application name.
Now, I am sending an email and I want to attach the image in the body of the email.

I am not able to understand how to use the variable in the image name.

“Hello All,

Please find below screenshot of “+appname+” .

<img src=$appname+”_results.png"“>

Can someone please help? It works perfectly fine if I dont use the variable in the image name and just give a standard name like screenshot.png by using below :slight_smile:

“Hello All,

Please find below screenshot of “+appname+” .



Can you please use a formatted text or a screenshot to show how youa re giving

ideally this would work

"<img src=""" + var + "_results.png"" />"


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Thanks a lot. This worked perfectly.

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