Need help in merging 3 excels

I have three separate Excel files, each with different column names. I need to extract the columns labeled ‘File Name’ and ‘Status’ from these three Excel files and write the extracted data to a new Excel file named with the current date.


If all are in same folder then use for each file in folder

use read range and get the data into datatable

filter datatable activity with filename and status columns

merge datatable with dt as input and mergedt as target

then use write range with mergedt so that all are written into final file

if in different use 3 read rnage activities else a loop and all inside loop will suffice


filter datatable activity with filename and status columns – this step am not sure about how to do it


Drag a filter datatble …clcik on wizard…select the columns tab…in columns tab select keep and in the fields below give "File Name" and "Status"
