Need help in excel copy paste actions

Hi Everyone, I’m facing some issue in excel actions. I want to copy some specific cells from my excel and need to paste in another sheet.
My rows rage is differ from excel to excel. i will be having multiple rows data with some headers (Constant). Can anyone help me how to solve this. I’m attaching me excel sheet, In that i have mentioned my INPUT and Required OUTPUT.

Test.xlsx (11.4 KB)


Check as below


According to this you can decide the range of the rows and can use write range

It will always dynamic and search for the “Additional Plan”

Hope this will help you


Don’t use copy/paste. Read Range the source sheet/file into a datatable, manipulate the data in the datatable if needed, then Write Range to the destination sheet/file.

Hi @Srini84 for 1 set of data it will extract but if i want another et of data means how can we extract.

i want to copy data in-between ADDITIONAL PLAN and MODERN PLAN



Repeat the same logic as lookup as Modern Plans and get the index

Hope this help you
