I have to cut the data from excel from 1000 row and paste in another sheet. Can any help me how to do that??
Hi @nagini.pragna,
Read the sheet with a Read Range activity, you can specify the starting cell as “A1000” or whatever you need it to be. You’d then use a Write Range to write to another sheet, you can specify the name and starting cell
Use Read Range activity and declare a variable for DT lets say DT
Now use Assign activity create a datatable variable let’s say dt1000 = DT.AsEnumerable.Take(1000).CopytoDatatable
Now you can use Write range activity and pass dt1000, this will contains 1-999 rows
Hope this will help you
Thanks for the reply, But I am able to see that 1000 rows in old sheet. I dont want that to happen, I want to cut the rows and paste. Can you help me ?
You can write another query as below and write back to the old excel file
DT = DT.AsEnumerable.Skip(1000).CopyToDataTable
and use write range activity and pass DT to write back to the same old excel file
Also you can use Delete Range activity from Excel and pass the range you want to delete
Hope this will help you
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