Multiply vlaue


This seems to be an easy one.
I scrape the value from the PDF (output, variable type GV) (let’s assume is 234)
Then I have to multiply this value by a specific value 2.26 and store a result in variable
The problem is that when I use Assign (as below) I have the result is 468 not 528.84

Value = Convert.ToDouble(value)* Convert.ToDouble(value2)

value (GV)
value2 = (Int32 default 2.26)
Value = (GV)

Can you please advise where I did a mistake?
Thank you!

@niteckam Here you can have the result

Main.xaml (7.2 KB)

why ar you doing all the conversions? why not just straight away multiply?

Godd point:) and if I want to store the value 2.26 in variable? This is quite imoprtant for me

No need you can pass directly

Just like how other variables are stored which you can see from the previous reply.

Like this

Can anyone clear this error