Move a folder

Hi, is there a simple way to copy a folder to another location a changing the name of the folder?

The folder receipts has to be renamed and moved to:
C:\Test\Dokumentation\receipts 2020/4/1

Can anyone suggest a smart way to do this without extracting every file from the folder individually?

@Karsten_Bertelsen - you can use the power shell activity to move & rename actions.
i have attached sample activity for move & rename items and please change the respective variable values…FolderMgmt.xaml (5.4 KB)

Hi @GBK,
Does these activities “move” the folder to a specific folder, or do they “copy” them?

-I need the copy, so that i have two identical folders, but in different folders.

ok for a simple move folder → just use only Invoke Move-Item activity and assign full path to FromLocation & to ToLocation variables.
you can delete/remove the Invoke Rename-Item activity from the sequence.

@Karsten_Bertelsen Can you Check this Activity and see if this is what you needed :

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For copying Folder , You an try by

  1. Zipping the Folder
  2. Move to Location Unzip the Same
  3. Delete the Zipped file.
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@Karsten_Bertelsen ok got you. you want to replicate same folder in different location.

  • Change the command from Invoke Move-Item activity command from “Move-Item” to “Copy-Item” . It will perform copy the folder to the destination folder path.