i want to copy a list of foldes from specified path to destination path
Hi @FASupport21_Praveen_Kumar, please check these links:
Hi ,
One folder can be moved using
Directory.Move(“D:\RPA\exception files\Exception”, “D:\RPA\error files”)
Hi all,
I want to make copy of my folder and rename it with new value please advise how to achieve this.
Example: I’ve main folder called “ABCD01” inside this folder many files are there, so I want exact copy of “ABCD01” folder but it should be renamed as “ABCD02”.
Note: I don’t want to move the files from main folder I just need copy, main folder should not be affected.
The above code can be used in invoke code activity where sourcepath and destinationpath are arguments
Thank you I did the same
Thank you I did the same but copy directory not showing only got filesystem …
I used invoked method
Hi @Priyanka_Ramesh ,
I want to Copy the files inside the folder and move it to another folder, Can you advice me how can i achieve this.