Mouse Scrooll Activity

Hi, I need to know mouse scroll down activity to scroll webpage. Kindly let us know the activitity

Hello @Srabanti_Paul_Karmakar

You can use Mouse Scroll activity.


Mouse scroll activity or send hotkey activity as pgdown


Also Mouse Scroll acitvity should be inside a Use Application/Browser activity as below.
You can either use an element to scroll down or can provide the distance to scroll.


Thanks but what package need to be included ? I am not finding any activity for mouse activity

Which version of studio are you using?Are you using modern design or classic?
This activity comes under uiautomation package.


Hi @Srabanti_Paul_Karmakar,

Kindly try “Send Hotkey” Activity like below workflow


Ctrl + End, takes u to the very bottom of the webpage.
Instead of clicking 1 key multiple times.