Second part of a series about UiPath Modern Design Experience and its activities. Come to explore what all features there are for the Click activity. I will demonstrate how to use the new indication target tool, how the fallback with Fuzzy Selectors and Image works and how to use Verify execution function to your benefit.
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RPA Fridays #1 - Basic Excel data manipulation - YouTube
RPA Fridays #2 - Download new music - YouTube
RPA Fridays #3 - Email trigger and data extraction - YouTube
RPA Fridays #4 - Robot playing the Word chain game - YouTube
RPA Fridays #5 - Take screenshots of all windows - YouTube
RPA Fridays #6 - UiPath Slack activities (project: Current weather on request) - YouTube
RPA Fridays #7 - Using the power of Google Vision in UiPath (5 examples) - YouTube
RPA Fridays #8 - Super powerful automation - 5x faster execution using recursive workflows - YouTube
RPA Fridays #9 - Robot that plays Arkanoid - YouTube
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RPA Fridays #11 - Anti-procrastination robot - YouTube
RPA Fridays #12 - Movie picker robot - YouTube
RPA Fridays #13 - Travel itinerary robot (UiPath Google Maps) - YouTube
RPA Fridays #14 - Robot triggered from web input - YouTube
RPA Fridays #15 - Advanced Excel Data Manipulation (1/2) - YouTube
RPA Fridays #16 - Advanced Excel Data Manipulation (2/2) - YouTube
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RPA Fridays #18 - UiPath process started from other one. Start process from CMD. Background process? - YouTube
RPA Fridays #19 - Advanced automatic reply bot - YouTube
RPA Fridays #20 - The very first game made in UiPath - YouTube
RPA Fridays #21 - News in UiPath 2021.8 Release - YouTube
RPA Fridays #22 - Excel data validation - YouTube
RPA Fridays #23 - UiPath Outlook Calendar activities - YouTube
RPA Fridays #24 - UiPath Project: Data validation through e-mail - YouTube
RPA Fridays #25 - UiPath & MongoDB - YouTube
RPA Fridays #26 - UiPath Unattended Robot Setup (full tutorial) - YouTube
RPA Fridays #27 - UiPath Modern Activities - part 1: Intro, Use/Application Browser activity - YouTube