Mobile device Manager: The requested resource could not be found

Hello Team,

I already setup my appium and its working fine.
But when i try to connect with UiPath Mobile Device Manager i am getting below error

 'The requested resource could not be found or a request was received using an http method that is not supported my mapped resource`


Please guide me to resolve this issue

Hi @Palash_Rana

Can you please offer more details? On what address is Appium running and what settings did you use for the connection in MDM?

hi I am also facing same issue i have used port number 443 to connect in appium as port 4723 is not working for me getting this error on uipath “The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource”

Hello Rakesh

I got the solution and I am able to connect with Mobile device Manager.

Please find below steps for MDM(Mobile device Manager)

Before beginning close your cmd and also close your appium if your using it

1.Open Cmd and check the version of
a) java -version
b) appium -v (If you are not using appium 1.15 then dowgrade your appium version)
i) npm uninstall -g appium
ii) npm install -g appium@1.15
iii) appium -v
c) Check if you have created an Environment variables (Note : Version can be anything for Java SDK and Android )
i) ANDROID_HOME - C:\Users\Procode\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
ii) JAVA_HOME - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_202
iii) path - %ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANDROID_HOME%\build-tools\30.0.3;

d) Open your Appium server
e) Install Apk Info mobile application in your device from google store which povide you app Package and App Activity

f) Check for list of device by writing in commad promt appium devices adb devices (Note make sure your mobile is connected to USB cable)

If something is showing with an alphanumeric value then your device is connected otherwise connecte your device

g) To Start appium write appium in cmd
h) Open your UiPAth Mobile device manager and write the configuration as below

In Device tab
Name: Test Device
Appium Url: http://localhost:4723/wd/hub
Platform : Android
Device Name: Redmi 7A
Platform Version: 9.0

In Application tab
Name : OpenDevice
Click on Android
App Package: io.cloudgrey.the_app
App activity: io.cloudgrey.the_app.MainActivity

Now start your application by connecting the device with an application

Hi Palash_Rana,
Great explanation sir.
I have one query . I followed all your steps. When i “Start the application” via Mobile Device manager , i got 500 error and it fails to start the virtual device.

I have attached the error log with this . Could you please help me on this !
Appium error log.txt (18.0 KB)

Hello Sumeshm
When you are connecting to the mobile device manager make sure your mobile device is not locked or you should be in the main screen, try to run 3-4 times hope it works.

I am attaching my whats app configuration with the Mobile device manager
Here i mark noReset as true and fullReset as false to make sure the Whatsapp won’t get installed again while running your server.

Hi Palash,
Thanks for the reply.
Can we use simulator without using a real mobile device.
Our requirement is to work with Test app only with the simulator only.
If you have any reference docs/ links, pls attach here.


There are lots of simulator online which don’t require a physical device to connect.
All I know is how to connect to a physical device connection.


It’s possible with Android Studio

Introduced in the forum

please refer

Thanks for the reply, Kazuki.

Thanks Sir,
I had done changes as per mentioned, Still facing same issue.
Actually, i have installed SDK from " Command line tools only" from Android studio.
And i’am not using Android studio, Sir.

Hello Sumesh
Android studio is useful if you want to build your android application, but in Uipath all you need to do is automate the application. So the android studio is not required.
Just check in Environment variable that the path is correct and once its correct check in CMD by typing javac -version .

It will be helpful if you write the error or paste the screenshot here

Hi Palash,
I have attached my command prompt screenshot here ! Kindly have a glance.
Query 1

But the app opens perfectly when we create session via appium.
pls find below image.

Hi Palash,
Could you please help me this…

  • I have an mobile app install on my mobile device[AUT]
  • Currently am connecting my Uipath studio from my remote machine[office pc]
  • How can we do mobile testing using uipath in this case
  • I cannot use a separate APK file to test it. because that apk only works in my mobile [client has given acess to my mob]


Hello there.

Just add /wd/hub in the path and it would work even for Appium 1.22.0