Microsoft Teams Activities doesnt work unattended


I have a process that needs to send a message to a chat in Microsoft Teams. The process works fine in Attended Mode.
When the process runs unattended the process gives the following error:

One or more errors occurred. (Unable to find a connection of type with the specified Id ‘472a9d96-1934-44dd-9d6f-bae50b2a6e71’

Already try with multiple users and chats, always the same error. I’m using the activity “Send chat message” from the package Microsoft Team by UiPath version 5.0.5.

Do you guys already encounter this error ?

José Meireles


Welcome to the community

Are you using integration services? If yes then while crwating process did you select the correct integration service user?

Or if you are using any default user creds then are those connections shared with the bot as well?


Yes, im using integration services.

I create a Microsoft Teams connector in the folder where the processes run, and the robot has access to the connection.


Do one thing to know exact error…

In your code include log message and use exception.innerexception.message

Which will give you exact details like what is missing

Also is the account you are using is a user based access or service based?


integration service does not work with service accounts. you can use a nominal account with unnatended mode i guess.
either way, if possible, see if exists another library, that dont use the integration service, it sucks.

Exception.innerexception.message is the same: Unable to find a connection of type with the specified Id.

The account is user based.
