How to send a message using Microsoft Teams Activity?

Hello everyone! I’m trying to use Microsoft Teams Preview 4.0.4, and I don’t understand how to use it.
Every documentation looks very old or not actual right now, for example: first, second.

I read every documentation by my own, and I still don’t understand how to send a message.
I learn how to read Channel/Teams/Chats - but all that I can do it’s just reading information, I can’t send or post anything.
If I use only “Create one on one chat” and “Send chat message” activities - I have error that say’s: UiPath.BAF.Infrastructure.Exceptions.BusinessActivityExecutionException: BusinessActivityExecutionException:
Error Code: [404]
Message: Not Found

If I try to use “Create one on one chat” and after use “List All Records” → select object “Chats members” and put in field “Chat_id” that I get from “Create one on one chat” - I get variable in ‘Out’ properties.
After that I try to get member from variable and I can’t do this because: Cannot implicitly convert type ‘UiPath.MicrosoftTeams.IntegrationService.Client.Chats_members’ to ‘UiPath.MicrosoftTeams.IntegrationService.Client.ChatsMembers’

Chats_members and ChatsMembers??? what is the difference?

maybe I’m still doing something wrong?


hi @ulohob, thank you for pointing the issues. We will incorporate your feedback while enhancing and releasing MS Teams package to GA in 23.8. Also, please, refer to the Integration Service documentation i.e. while using the package.

We had released 5.05-preview package also in the “official” feed. Can you please, try that and let me know, whether the errors are still encountered or not?

Hi @Akshay_Agnihotri, Thank you for your reply and I apologize for the long wait. After getting errors when trying to work with the package, I decided not to use Teams at all in my automation. Your post inspired me to try to do automation using the Teams package. I will try to reply and tell you about my impressions soon.
