Hi, I was developing a process in my laptop, I copy and pasted the bot file into another machine, I tried opening the file and it gave me this error. They are both UiPath Studio.
Any help or things to try?
Hi, I was developing a process in my laptop, I copy and pasted the bot file into another machine, I tried opening the file and it gave me this error. They are both UiPath Studio.
Any help or things to try?
This is the Details of the Error if that helps:
Method not found: ‘System.String System.Activities.ViewModels.Interfaces.IDynamicPropertiesViewModel.GetDynamicPropertiesButtonText()’.
Error: System.Exception: Method not found: ‘System.String System.Activities.ViewModels.Interfaces.IDynamicPropertiesViewModel.GetDynamicPropertiesButtonText()’.
at System.Reflection.CustomAttribute._CreateCaObject(RuntimeModule pModule, RuntimeType type, IRuntimeMethodInfo pCtor, Byte** ppBlob, Byte* pEndBlob, Int32* pcNamedArgs)
at System.Reflection.CustomAttribute.AddCustomAttributes(ListBuilder1& attributes, RuntimeModule decoratedModule, Int32 decoratedMetadataToken, RuntimeType attributeFilterType, Boolean mustBeInheritable, ListBuilder
1 derivedAttributes)
at System.Reflection.CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType, Boolean inherit)
at System.RuntimeType.GetCustomAttributes(Boolean inherit)
at System.Activities.Presentation.Metadata.MetadataStore.MetadataType.MergeAttributesIterator(Type type, MemberInfo member, Boolean includeClrAttributes)+MoveNext()
at System.Activities.Presentation.Metadata.MetadataStore.MetadataType.MergeAttributes(Type filterType, MemberInfo member, Boolean inherit, AttributeMergeCache& cache)
at System.Activities.Presentation.Metadata.MetadataStore.MetadataType.GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, Boolean inherit)
at System.Activities.Presentation.Metadata.MetadataStore.MetadataStoreProvider.GetRawAttributes(Type objectType, String member, MemberDescriptor parentDescriptor, Boolean isEvent)
at System.Activities.Presentation.Metadata.MetadataStore.MetadataStoreProvider.GetAttributes(Type objectType)
at System.Activities.Presentation.Metadata.MetadataStore.MetadataStoreProvider.MetadataStoreTypeDescriptor.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes()
at System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.TypeDescriptionNode.DefaultTypeDescriptor.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes()
at System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(Type componentType)
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Project.Services.DefaultDesignerService.RegisterDesigner(Type activityType, ActivitiesAssemblyInformation activitiesAssemblyInformation)
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Project.Services.ActivitiesRegistrationService.ProcessActivities(IAssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, CancellationToken token)
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Project.Services.ActivitiesRegistrationService.ProcessActivities(CancellationToken token)
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Project.Services.ActivitiesRegistrationService.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Project.Services.ActivitiesRegistrationService.WaitRegistrationAsync()
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Project.Services.ActivitiesRegistrationService.GetContextAsync()
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Services.ActivityLoaderService.SetContextAsync()
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Services.ActivityLoaderService.LoadActivitiesAsync()
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Services.ProjectLoaderProjectEndpoint.b__10_0()
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Services.ProjectLoaderProjectEndpoint.LoadFromContainerAsync()
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Server.<>c__DisplayClass7_3.<<-ctor>g__InvokeMethod|6>d.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Server.<>c__DisplayClass7_1.<<-ctor>g__HandleRequest|3>d.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Server.<>c__DisplayClass7_2.<<-ctor>b__5>d.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Helpers.Timeout[TResult](TimeSpan timeout, List1 cancellationTokens, Func
2 func, String message, Func`2 exceptionHandler), HResult -2146233069
Could you copy the package System.Activites from your machine into the other machine also.
Please try renaming the project.json and then reopen the project again
Or go to c:\users\<username>\.nuget\packages
and delete the system packages folder …and reopen the project …that way they would be redownloded fresh
I was able to open it when I deleted the Microsoft365 package on the project.json file. However, in the process I use certain activities which require he Microsoft 365 package, when I try to install it, it gives error again. Does this have to do with my Sutdio Version? Its Enterprise 2022.4.4
That looks strange…as the errors are due to system
Packages…when it opened did you try changing the system version and then repair or install the dependency as needed
No I have not, I didnt change anything. I just copied and pasted the file I had in my pc to the virtual machine I use to run the processes.
Hi @FilipeChiou, have u found the solution? I ran into the same exception when installing the 365 package on studio 22.4.3
Hi, what worked for me was updating the Enterprise Sutdio Edition to the newest version. When I did the process would open with no errors. My community edition was the most recent version and my enterprise was from 2020 so I think it had to do with the updates and therefore did not allow the most recent packages to be opened.
Try updating the studio version and see if it works. Hopefully this helps