Merging rows and sum


Would like to seek help here to merge rows if column A and column B contains the same description and reference number, and sum the amount into 1 row.

Pls see illustration below

HI @flyingdragon

Checkout this thread


Hi @Sudharsan_Ka

Am i missing something as i encountered error “Complier error encountered…”

(From d In dT_main.AsEnumerable
Group d By k1=d(0).ToString.Trim.Substring(0,10),k2=d(1).ToString.Trim Into grp=GroupDescription
Let s = grp.sum(Function (x) CDbl(x(2).ToString)
Let ra = New Object (){k1,k2,s}
Select dT_Main1.Rows.(ra)).CopytoDataTable

Hi @flyingdragon ,

It looks like a Typo Error on your part. Could you change GroupDescription to Group and Check.

If still receiving errors, provide us with the Screenshots of your implementation to better understand.


(From d In dT_main.AsEnumerable
Group d By k1=d(0).ToString.Trim,k2=d(1).ToString.Trim Into grp=Group
Let s = grp.sum(Function (x) CDbl(x(2).ToString)
Let ra = New Object (){k1,k2,s}
Select dT_Main1.Rows.(ra)).CopytoDataTable

And make a note you need two datatable @flyingdragon

dT_main → Main source of datatable with the data

dT_Main1 → The Datatable only with the headers of the main source in this datatable the data will be get added so you need to use this datatable to write in the excel


Still having the same error. Yes dt_main is my main source and dt_main1 is datatable with headers only

Check this @flyingdragon

(From d In dT_main.AsEnumerable
Group d By k1=d(0).ToString.Trim,k2=d(1).ToString.Trim Into grp=Group
Let s = grp.sum(Function (x) CDbl(x(2).ToString))
Let ra = New Object (){k1,k2,s}
Select dT_Main1.Rows.(ra)).CopytoDataTable

Same error with identifier expected


(From d In dT_main.AsEnumerable
Group d By k1=d(0).ToString.Trim,k2=d(1).ToString.Trim Into grp=Group
Let s = grp.sum(Function (x) CDbl(x(2).ToString))
Let ra = New Object (){k1,k2,s}
Select dT_Main1.Rows.add(ra)).CopytoDataTable

As you have $ in your data updated one @flyingdragon check with this

(From d In dT_main.AsEnumerable
Group d By k1=d(0).ToString.Trim,k2=d(1).ToString.Trim Into grp=Group
Let s = grp.sum(Function (x) CDbl(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(x(2).ToString.Trim,"\d.+").ToString.Trim))
Let ra = New Object (){k1,k2,s}
Select dT_Main1.Rows.add(ra)).CopytoDataTable

Thanks! The error is now gone but when i run the file, there’s another error "Conversion from string “” to type “Double” is not valid.

I managed to use this code for my work. Thanks @Sudharsan_Ka for the help!

(From d In dT_main.AsEnumerable
Group d By k1=d(0).ToString.Trim,k2=d(1).ToString.Trim Into grp=Group
Let s = grp.sum(Function (x) CDbl(x(2).ToString))
Let ra = New Object (){k1,k2,s}
Select dT_Main1.Rows.add(ra)).CopytoDataTable

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