| A1 | a | 2.2
| B2 | b | 2.2
| B2 | c | 1.3
| B2 | c | 5
| A1 | d | 6
| A1 | a | 7
| A1 | a | 9.2
| B2 | b | 2.2
| B2 | c | 6.3
| A1 | d | 6
any help @AkshaySandhu
any help @AkshaySandhu
Check this post it’s similar to your post & download the workflow for better understanding
let me know if you didnt understand any part !!
@ANSHUL I suggest you to review the @vickydas’s post…
this will definitely going to help you build the LINQ knowledge…
I was not able to find relatively better links but you can give below a try…
Hi All thanks for all the document and guidance,
Finally managed to create a LINQ to add the values of data type double for Col3:
(From p In dt.AsEnumerable()
Group By x= New With { Key.a =p.Item(“Col1”),Key.b=p.Item(“Col1”)}
Into Grp = Group Select obj.LoadDataRow (New Object() {grp(0)(3), grp(0)(4),Grp.Sum(Function( r) CDbl(r(“Col3”))), grp(0)(8)},False)).CopyToDataTable
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