Hi guys,
I have more than one presentation files and i need to merge all of them specific locations in main presentation. so, how can i do that?
Thank you.
Hi guys,
I have more than one presentation files and i need to merge all of them specific locations in main presentation. so, how can i do that?
Thank you.
Thanks for your help.
But i cannot use 3rd part activities.
Hi @Kuki_Force
Try this Vb.net code to merge two powerpoint file.
’ Declare variables for the PowerPoint application and the source and destination files
Dim pptApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim srcFile1 As String
Dim srcFile2 As String
Dim destFile As String
’ Set the file paths for the source and destination files
srcFile1 = “C:\Users\User\Desktop\File1.pptx”
srcFile2 = “C:\Users\User\Desktop\File2.pptx”
destFile = “C:\Users\User\Desktop\MergedFile.pptx”
’ Create an instance of the PowerPoint application
Set pptApp = New PowerPoint.Application
’ Open the destination file
Dim destPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Set destPres = pptApp.Presentations.Open(destFile)
’ Open the first source file
Dim srcPres1 As PowerPoint.Presentation
Set srcPres1 = pptApp.Presentations.Open(srcFile1)
’ Insert the slides from the first source file into the destination file
For Each slide In srcPres1.Slides
destPres.Slides.InsertFromFile(srcFile1, slide.SlideIndex, 1, 1)
’ Close the first source file
’ Open the second source file
Dim srcPres2 As PowerPoint.Presentation
Set srcPres2 = pptApp.Presentations.Open(srcFile2)
’ Insert the slides from the second source file into the destination file
For Each slide In srcPres2.Slides
destPres.Slides.InsertFromFile(srcFile2, slide.SlideIndex, 1, 1)
’ Close the second source file
’ Save and close the destination file
’ Quit the PowerPoint application
’ Release the object variables
Set destPres = Nothing
Set srcPres2 = Nothing
Set srcPres1 = Nothing
Set pptApp = Nothing
Hope it will works
Hi thanks for your answer and help.
I wrote your code but it gives me an error.
What should i change or should do?
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