PowerPoint Activities - How to Merge PowerPoints

I have tried UiPath.Presentations.Activities and BalaReva.EasyPowerPoint.Activities to merge multiple PowerPoint presentations together, but I am unable to do so.
When I use the “Copy Paste Slide” activity, it asks for a variable for “Source Presentation” , “Slide to Copy” , “Destination Presentation” , and “Where to Insert”. I am confused on how to use variables for this, since file paths make more sense.
Thank you for your help!

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Have you downloaded Edp.PowerPoint.Activities
Very simple to copy and paste slides using these activities. We can do all required operations inside PowerPoint Scope

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Thank you for your help!


I am trying to copy from one pptx file to another using 2 scopes (one for each file) and getting this error “Slide Paste: Presentation (unknown member) : This presentation is read-only and must be saved with a different name.”

Hi @ManiPrajwal_K ,

You can do the save as presentation and do the copy paste by this below package.
