Merge Excel Sheets with 2 Sheets

Hi guys,

is it possible to merge datatable 1 (has one sheet, lets call it “ABC”) and datatable 2 (has one sheet lets call it “DEF”)? In the end my ideal output would be datatable 1 with sheet “ABC” and sheet “DEF” in it. So I’d like to say "sheet DEF, move to datatable 1". I’d like to avoid having a 3rd “output” Excel.

Thanks in Advance!

Hi @marco.roensch ,

Yes its possible, follow below video hope it work for you

Merge Multiple Excels to Single Excel using UiPath | Input sheets to separate sheets in output Excel - YouTube

Vinit Mhatre

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Hi @marco.roensch

→ Use Read Range Workbook to read both the sheets ABC and DEF and store the output in a datatable say for ABC sheet Dt_ABC and for DEF sheet Dt_DEF.

→ Use Merge Data Table activity:
Give source as Dt_DEF
Give Destiantion as Dt_ABC

→ Write Range Workbook Dt_ABC to the seperate sheet in the excel.


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@marco.roensch (1.7 KB)
Please try approach

Okey thank you guys! This does work.
But as it seems it does not take over the formatting. Are there any options or settings to keep the format (like column width and colored cells) ? Or am I suppose to do it after merging?
@vrdabberu @rlgandu @Vinit_Mhatre


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Hi @marco.roensch

Please do raise an new query regarding this by sharing the input and expected output. I will help you out.


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