Maximize inner window

Hi everyone,

I found my self trying to Maximize a window that Pops up at some point inside the main window already maximized without using the ‘maximize button’ since sometimes it recognize it and other don’t but it won’t do it. I’d like to maximize the window with ‘Green color’ which is inside the ‘Red color’ one , see the IMG below plz:

I’m trying to use:
•Get active window
•Restore window
•Maximize window (first option of course)

They keep getting the main window not the inner one.
I tried using a ‘Attach browser’ but keeps getting the main one.
Not sure how to use the ‘Restore - Get active window’ activities. I put them inside an attach browser but not getting the green one.

Any ideas plz?

I think the only way for this is to work with selector or image recognition as inner window is running under the same process with main application.

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