I have two dictionaries ,
Dict1 will have few set of values like
Account number - 1234
Name- xxx
Date - 20/12/2023
Dict2 will have few set of values
Account number - 1234
Name -yyyy
Date -23/22/2023
Now my condition is ,
I’ll have to compare the values in both dict and find if it’s same .
Value of acct number in dict 1 = value of acct number in dict 2 . If it’s same I should proceed with this or I should move to next condition .
If in small keys we can compare with their key name , but in bulk values, checking each and every key will be difficult right ?
Is there a way to find if the values matches in two configs ?
(Anil Gorthi)
You can loop through the keys and then use compare inside
For loop with dict1.keys
Inside it use if condition with dict1(currentitem).ToString.Equals(dict2(currentItem).ToString)
On then side do nothing…else side you can keep a flag and exit the loop usingg exit…
That way after loop we can check the bool_value
Initializing it with false and then on else side set to true and outside loop check with if condition if bool_value is true or false
You could give this a try:
myDictionary = (From entry In Dict1
Where Dict2.ContainsKey(entry.Key) AndAlso Dict2(entry.Key).ToString = entry.Value.ToString
Select entry).Count = Dict1.Count AndAlso Dict1.Count = Dict2.Count
Try this Linq
(From kvp1 In Dict1
Join kvp2 In Dict2 On kvp1.Key Equals kvp2.Key
Where kvp1.Value.ToString() = kvp2.Value.ToString()
Select kvp1.Key).ToList()