Comparing list of dictionaries

I have two list of dictionaries (string , object) type.

1.I need to see all the values in the list of dictionaries.

2.I need to compare both the dictionaries without entering keys.
But I don’t know how to achieve this. Please help.
Thanks in Advance

we can use the Values Property

One of a few options can be:

When same values are present

Kindly note: SequenceEqual is strict on position and value

I got this when I use Values function

we assume that you have used a message box and and YourDictVar.Values.ToString

this will return some details to datatype/object but not a string representation of the values

It is recommended to do RnD, Inspections … within the different panels from debugging and fully to avoid using message box, Write Line…

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can we store the list of dictionaries in json or data table? Because i need to store the differences.

lets do things step by step and also lets scope a topic to only one case. It is then easier for others to find solutions when having a similar case.


Just elaborate more your business case and what is needed. Once the requierments are clear we can check for the differen solution options

We need to compare the list of dictionaries and store the differences we got in a json file or text file. This is the priority one

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